Michael Ziton Lawyer in Arizona is a solid recommended choice. I was in need of a lawyer for a family member and found Michael Ziton in my search. Michael Ziton was immediately available. He was genuine, clear, and concise with me and he helped me understand Arizona law and the criminal process. I spoke with others, but Michael Ziton articulated best his vast experience and ability to strongly represent my family member. Michael Ziton will talk with you straight and help guide you to real results. He is prepared, professional, and has great communication skills. Michael Ziton served us very well and we are proud to highly recommend him if you are in need of a lawyer in Arizona.
Michael Ziton is listed in the National Trial Lawyers Association as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in America. Michael Ziton reviews this distinct honor as an award that is a constant reminder to strive to be the best Attorney you can for the client. Michael Ziton is well trusted and represents clients statewide from criminal traffic citations and complaints to complex misdemeanor and felony cases, including domestic violence, assault, drug charges, DUI|DWI, aggravated assault, white-collar crimes, theft, federal violations, and criminal arrest warrants.
As always, Michael Ziton is Available 24 Hours to take your call and help you build a strong defense strategy. Michael Ziton can also be reached via website – arizonazitonlaw.com Contact Michael Ziton Today.